A tribute to racing success
Adéla Nešněrová, one of the students involved in the project, is equally enthusiastic. “Our visit to ŠKODA Design was great; we got valuable advice from the experienced designers, plus our dream car is really coming together thanks to their support,” says the fourth-year student specialising in Transport Operations and Economics.

The exterior and interior sketches show a dynamic car which, in addition to providing a great experience for the students, also marks another celebration of ŠKODA Motorsport’s 120th anniversary and is a tribute to the Czech brand’s achievements in racing. The unveiling of the latest student car will take place gradually as work on the car continues in various areas and disciplines.

The so-called AZUBI cars, i.e. student cars built by a team of students under the ŠKODA Academy banner, have been a tradition at ŠKODA since 2014. A team of 25 students is now working on the eighth student car and is looking forward to presenting the results of their work.
The history of student cars