And for the last question, do you have any safety or other handy tips regarding riding the bicycle, especially in traffic?
Isabelle: Just always make sure that the drivers have noticed you and can “read” what you're up to (for example, by using hand signals). It’s never worth taking a risk of being in an accident, so, if possible, wait those few extra seconds. A bike bell is pretty convenient. And it never hurts to give a “thank you sign” when a driver has been nice enough to give you the right of way. We’ve got to work together instead of against each other. Being polite never killed a person.
Orla: The best tip for cyclists is always to expect that drivers don’t see you on the road. Take precautions when cycling alongside parked cars or in traffic, as sometimes doors can swing open! For drivers, always check your rear view mirrors, side mirrors, and blind spots before making a turn at a junction. Also make sure to give cyclists at least 1–1/2 meters of space when overtaking!