My granddad taught me how to ride a bike way back when. Just the basics though. We would ride into the forest to forage for mushrooms. For me, my bike was a means of getting from one place to another. It came into its own when I needed to visit my friends in the village or get to football matches. When I was a bit older, I bought a road bike off my friend. To test it properly, I told myself I’d take a trip from the town of Slaný to Austria, more than 400 kilometres away. When I got there, I sent a postcard to my family and rode back home the next day. I must have been around 20 at the time.
When I started going on more rides with my friends, I struggled to keep up and I would lag behind them for the first 30 kilometres. But when we reached 50 kilometres, I was on a par with them. By the time we hit 60 kilometres or so and my friends were ready call it a day, I was only just hitting my rhythm. Since then I’ve been pushing the limits of how many kilometres I can cover in one ride. Last year, I got to the stage where I was able to ride 1,000 kilometres without stopping.