3, 2, 1…. Countdown to KODIAQ World Premiere

3, 2, 1.... Countdown to KODIAQ World Premiere

This is the final countdown. Tonight the all-new ŠKODA KODIAQ will be unleashed. Stay tuned for hourly updates!

1. 9. 2016 Models Kodiaq


...is in sight. Just a couple more hours until the ŠKODA KODIAQ is revealed to the world for the very first time. The night of the 1st September 2016 is inching closer.

Three trucks from Mladá Boleslav, the home of the ŠKODA brand in Czechia, will soon arrive in Berlin, Germany. Their load is top secret: this year’s most anticipated automotive.

Decades of invention, development and experience, thousands of working hours – it all comes together in this new large SUV.

Tune in to follow the final hours before the grand unveiling, see how the ŠKODA team prepares this unique event, and bear witness to the creativity of people working with passion for this world premiere.

Reload this page for updates!  

The official livestream will start at 18:45 CEST:

ŠKODA Storyboard Liveticker – KODIAQ Launch Event BerlinUnbenannt-1


Just a few seconds to go until the all-new ŠKODA KODIAQ is revealed to the world for the very first time.


ŠKODA Storyboard Liveticker – KODIAQ Launch Event BerlinUnbenannt-1

18:23 From Kodiak to KODIAQ

Kodiak's mayor, Pat Branson, during rehearsals with Werner Eichhorn, Member of the Board of Management for Sales and Marketing.

I’m delighted to be here to share the story of our city and its people – a story of resilience, independence, and a lust for the outdoors.

Pat Branson

The all-new ŠKODA KODIAQ is not the only special guest here this evening. In fact, someone else has travelled much further to participate (about 4,300 km further, actually). Pat Branson, mayor of Kodiak, is fresh off the stage following a pitch-perfect rehearsal. “It’s all very exciting,” she says, retreating further into a quiet corner of the main hall with a smile. “I’m delighted to be here to share the story of our city and its people – a story of resilience, independence, and a lust for the outdoors.”

The mayor gestures to the stage, which is now a hive of activity. “Films, acrobats, music, even a dog: it’s amazing to see all of these things come together for the launch of a car. I would never have guessed.” But just how did the collaboration with ŠKODA come to be? Why use the name KODIAQ? And what’s with that “Q” at the end? “You’ll have to tune in later to hear all about that,” she says.

ŠKODA Storyboard Liveticker – KODIAQ Launch Event BerlinUnbenannt-1


The KODIAQ is inching closer! Just a few more hours until ŠKODA unveils its all-new SUV live in Berlin, Germany.
A promise: this show will take your breath away. Experience the final rehearsal, hear the KODIAQ roar into life, and see what the experts have to say about the world premiere of this year’s most anticipated car.




ŠKODA Storyboard Liveticker – KODIAQ Launch Event BerlinUnbenannt-1

17:27 The spirit of freedom

Bernhard Maier, Chairman of the Board of Management (left), with the director of tonight's show.

When something new comes into the world, it is always accompanied by excitement, curiosity and joy. It’s time for us to take the next step with the ŠKODA KODIAQ. We will set the car free, and I am convinced it will find its way.

Bernhard Maier

The music is pumping, the spotlights are gleaming, and the KODIAQ is on stage – this time without its protective cover. But there’s one thing missing: the 800-person audience. It's the final rehearsal before tonight’s launch event, and only a select few are allowed to feast their eyes on the highly anticipated SUV (sorry, folks). The pressure is palpable, yet everyone manages the occasion with all the coolness of an Alaskan stream.

Member of the Board of Management for Sales and Marketing, Werner Eichhorn, sharpens up his speech during rehearsals.
Member of the Board of Management for Sales and Marketing, Werner Eichhorn, sharpens up his speech during rehearsals.
ŠKODA Head of Design Jozef Kabaň shares the inspiration behind the all-new KODIAQ.
ŠKODA Head of Design Jozef Kabaň shares the inspiration behind the all-new KODIAQ.

There’s only hours until kick-off, so how does the team feel? “Anxious but excited,” says Werner Eichhorn, Member of the Board of Management for Sales and Marketing. “Proud of this defining moment,” says Jozef Kabaň, Head of Design. But for CEO Bernhard Maier, a more poetic approach is required. “When something new comes into the world, it is always accompanied by excitement, curiosity and joy. It’s time for us to take the next step with the ŠKODA KODIAQ. We will set the car free, and I am convinced it will find its way.”

ŠKODA Storyboard Liveticker – KODIAQ Launch Event BerlinUnbenannt-1


The KODIAQ is inching closer! Just a few more hours until ŠKODA unveils its all-new SUV live in Berlin, Germany.
We’d like to welcome you behind the scenes! Be part of the backstage action and soak up the atmosphere: this is how one of the year’s most anticipated cars is unveiled to the world. Meet the artists and creative minds behind the KODIAQ launch event.



ŠKODA Storyboard Liveticker – KODIAQ Launch Event BerlinUnbenannt-1

15:12 High flyers

Training: Diana Miller is practicing for the world premiere of the ŠKODA KODIAQ.

Tonight’s performance is really complex – we will interact with the screen projection behind us, as well as the audience!

Diana Miller

Diana Miller is floating twenty feet above ground. She performs an elegant somersault, and then flies in a Superman pose across the length of the 66-metre stage. The gigantic projection screen behind her makes the scene even more impressive. As this goes on, her twin sister, Sandra, shouts instructions for choreography from the ground. These two aerial acrobats and dancers are known as the Miller Twins, and they are household names in the performance art world.

Their mesmerising show is part of tonight’s ŠKODA KODIAQ launch event. “We are always excited, for sure,” explains Diana. “But tonight’s performance is really complex – we will interact with the screen projection behind us, as well as the audience!” She grins, then looks high up at the ceiling. “It will be a spectacular show for everyone, us included.”

Diana Miller (left) and her twin sister Sandra, both aerial acrobats and dancers, are household names in the performance art world.
Diana Miller (left) and her twin sister Sandra, both aerial acrobats and dancers, are household names in the performance art world.
Aaaaand action! Diana Miller and her performance partner harmonise their movements on stage a few hours before the world premiere.
Aaaaand action! Diana Miller and her performance partner harmonise their movements on stage a few hours before the world premiere.

ŠKODA Storyboard Liveticker – KODIAQ Launch Event BerlinUnbenannt-1


The KODIAQ is inching closer! Just a few more hours until ŠKODA unveils its all-new SUV live in Berlin, Germany.
Be the first to see one of this year’s most highly anticipated cars. Witness how it gets prepared and polished for its first public appearance live on stage. And meet the inventive people behind this one-of-a-kind world premiere.



ŠKODA Storyboard Liveticker – KODIAQ Launch Event BerlinUnbenannt-1

13:15 Access denied

Access denied.

Security guard Dennis Jäntsch is a man of few words, and it’s clear why: you only have to look in his eyes to know he means business. “I’m the one guarding things back here, behind the scenes.” If you find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time, you better do as you’re told. “No touching the ŠKODA KODIAQ,” he might snarl, or “can I see your backstage pass?” he might ask. Dennis is not as large as a real Kodiak bear, but he is no less intimidating when stood in front of the new large SUV from ŠKODA. And no matter who you are, there is one rule you absolutely must abide by: “No photos of the car! At least not yet…”

Needed in case of an emergency or to call help: the walkie-talkie.
Needed in case of an emergency or to call help: the walkie-talkie.

No photos of the car! At least not yet…

Dennis Jäntsch

ŠKODA Storyboard Liveticker – KODIAQ Launch Event BerlinUnbenannt-1

12:45 Not lost in translation

Matthias Mewes, technician at Satis&Fy, testing the translation technology.

Matthias Mewes, technician at Satis&Fy, really has no time right now. He’s on his hands and knees under a mixing console, surrounded by cables, radio transmitters, receivers, microphones, plugs, and more cables. He returns to his feet. “Test, test, test,” he booms into one of the microphones. A reassuring smile shows that everything is working as planned. “My Job? I make sure that all the technology for the translators – the headsets and radios – works without interferences.”

Inside the translation cabin.
Inside the translation cabin.
Foreign guests need one of these headsets to hear the event in their own language.
Foreign guests need one of these headsets to hear the event in their own language.

The guests at tonight’s world premiere of the SKODA KODIAQ come from lots of different countries, and therefore speak lots of different languages. Expert translators are needed to convert the German speech of CEO Bernhard Maier, who will introduce the all-new SUV, into these different languages – simultaneously. “There will be five languages transmitted to 800 headsets,” explains Matthias. “It’s a big task to get everything running smoothly, but I promise no-one will be lost in translation tonight.”

The translation headset.
The translation headset.

ŠKODA Storyboard Liveticker – KODIAQ Launch Event BerlinUnbenannt-1

11:37 The shine must go on

Martin Skorkovsky: call him the car cleaner

Yes, it’s a lot of work, but it sure is exciting.

Martin Skorkovsky

Rule number one? Never leave fingerprints on the windows. No, Martin Skorkovský is not a master car thief full of unsavoury advice, but the person responsible for the mirror-like finish of the all-new ŠKODA SUV. “Together with my colleagues, I will polish and prepare the ŠKODA KODIAQ so it shines on stage.” Sounds like an easy job, but it’s not. There’s only hours to go until the new SUV is unveiled here at Kraftwerk Berlin, and workers are still hammering, drilling, and assembling the stage. Caterers rush through hallways and rooms, leaving delicious smells behind the them. Even cars are busy driving on and off the stage for rehearsals.

Every detail has to be cleaned very carefully.
Every detail has to be cleaned very carefully.
The cleaning team needs a lot of equipment.
The cleaning team needs a lot of equipment.

The result of all this activity? Dust in the air, which means dust on the car – even if it is still partly covered. “Yes, it’s a lot of work, but it sure is exciting,” says Martin as he checks the amount of cleaning products for the windows, bodywork and tyres. His favourite tool? “Right now it’s got to be the feather duster,” he laughs, before setting his sights on the stage in the distance. “I am confident the audience will be amazed when the KODIAQ comes out of hiding in a couple of hours.”

ŠKODA Storyboard Liveticker – KODIAQ Launch Event BerlinUnbenannt-1

10:33 TIME-LAPSE: The stage rises

See the stage come together for tonight’s ŠKODA KODIAQ launch event – in under 20 seconds.

ŠKODA Storyboard Liveticker – KODIAQ Launch Event BerlinUnbenannt-1

9:40 Touchdown

Liftoff! The KODIAQ rises three storeys high.

Aleš Kučera has waited weeks to say these words into his walkie-talkie: “You can drive it in from the truck now.” Right on cue, the tailgate of the truck creaks open. And there, waiting patiently, sits the ŠKODA KODIAQ. Although there is not much to see yet – it is carefully wrapped up in two (yes, two) protective covers. Its true form is still a mystery and can’t be seen by anyone. Slowly and cautiously, the new large SUV makes its way outside and touches ground.

Moments later, Aleš, the person responsible for car handling and cleaning, begins a delicate balancing act. Inside Kraftwerk Berlin, the special venue for tonight’s unveiling in front of more than 800 guests, the SUV is hoisted three storeys high by crane. Every move is the right move, as Aleš and his team are well accustomed to handling precious cargo, yet there is still an audible sigh of relief when the KODIAQ finally puts its wheels back on solid ground. The next step? “The car will now be prepared for the short journey onto the stage tonight," says Aleš. “I can’t wait to see the reaction of the audience when it shines in the spotlight.”

Perfect spot! The KODIAQ arrived at the event location in Kraftwerk Berlin
Perfect spot! The KODIAQ arrived at the event location in Kraftwerk Berlin
Pit stop! New tyres are waiting to be changed.
Pit stop! New tyres are waiting to be changed.

The car will now be prepared for the short journey onto the stage tonight.

Aleš Kučera

ŠKODA Storyboard Liveticker – KODIAQ Launch Event BerlinUnbenannt-1

8:25 A taste of the wild

Zoltan Fordos and Jan Šmelhaus

Zoltan Fordos and Jan Šmelhaus have good taste – in cars, of course, but first and foremost with food. The duo, here as Zátiší Catering, are responsible for preparing the 800 meals that will feed tonight's hungry guests. Only the best will do for the highly anticipated launch of the ŠKODA KODIAQ: food will be cooked, arranged and served by 100 specialist chefs, kitchen staff and waiters. “Our ingredients will – like the car – arrive from the Czech Republic. Each dish will be finalised here on location, and guests will enjoy a live cooking experience as the night unfolds,“ says Jan, standing proud in Kraftwerk Berlin. He turns and glances at the catering equipment behind him – hundreds of glasses, plates and pieces of cutlery still wrapped up, waiting to be unpacked. He counts silently. “We’ll serve about 800 kilograms of food, so everyone should be nice and full by the end of the evening“.

But what’s on the menu? “We have four main dishes, each representing a living environment: outdoor, utility, urban and sport,“ explains Zoltan. He smiles and adds: “But my personal highlight has got to be the ice cream – we prepare it in front of the audience. It's nearly as cool as this place, the location for the world premiere of the ŠKODA KODIAQ.

The tables are already set.
The tables are already set.

ŠKODA Storyboard Liveticker – KODIAQ Launch Event BerlinUnbenannt-1

7:00 Twelve hours to go

Discovering new walls, as well as grounds.

So, why Berlin? “It’s a vibrant city, a real creative hot spot that fits perfectly with ŠKODA,” says a visibly enthusiastic Pat Kalt. “Berlin has a bear as an emblem and the ŠKODA KODIAQ is named after the Kodiak bear, so you could say it was a match from the very start." Pat Kalt and his team, more commonly known as the event agency Tisch 13, are the creative minds behind the world premiere of this highly anticipated large SUV. “The venue, Kraftwerk Berlin, reflects the city’s special character. It’s the perfect stage for an unveiling."

Although Pat Kalt is a seasoned event professional, he can’t help but admire the size and dynamics of the impending launch. “We are excited to see how all the small parts will come together to create one show: artists, sounds, lights, videos, and of course the car. It will be an immersive multimedia experience for those who are watching, whether here in person or through the live stream.” And his personal highlight for the evening? “The KODIAQ will be presented in a way never before seen." How exactly? "No comment," he smiles.

KODIAQ Launch – Crew accreditation
KODIAQ Launch – Crew accreditation

We are excited to see how all the small parts will come together to create one show: artists, sounds, lights, videos, and of course the car.

Pat Kalt, event agency Tisch 13

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4 videos, 27 images
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