What are the headlights connected to in the car?
For the matrix technology to work, the headlights need input obtained from a camera located behind the windscreen. The signals are then processed by control units that send commands to the headlight according to a complex algorithm. In addition to the front camera, the system also responds to information from navigation map data. This means, for example, that full beam automatically comes on only after the vehicle leaves a built-up area.
How many people have worked – and for how long – on the development, testing and implementation of the matrix headlights for the new-generation SUPERB?
Headlight development has been a joint effort by a team of about 20 people. These are development engineers, optical engineers, smoothers (surface data creation), designers, electronic engineers, test engineers, and so on. Development takes about four years, with the vast majority of development focused on finding and validating a technical concept.