ŠKODA Academy: First-class training and further education

› Traditional ŠKODA Vocational School first opened in 1927 and is part of the ŠKODA Academy
› Every graduate receives a permanent job offer from ŠKODA AUTO
› Around 900 vocational students are enrolled on 19 courses in the 2021/22 academic year

Mladá Boleslav, 23 May 2022 – ŠKODA AUTO has a long history of training its up-and-coming talent. The company founded the ŠKODA Vocational School at its headquarters in Mladá Boleslav back in 1927. Since then, almost 24,000 apprentices have graduated from the institute. As of the 2021/22 academic year, around 900 apprentices are enrolled on 19 technical courses, focusing on mechanical and electrical engineering. The ŠKODA Student Concept Car is the ŠKODA Vocational School’s lighthouse project; every year since the 2013/14 academic year, young professionals have been able to design and build their very own dream car.

For 95 years now, ŠKODA AUTO has been firmly committed to training its next generation of employees. As early as 1927, the company founded the ŠKODA Vocational School at its headquarters in Mladá Boleslav, which quickly gained national recognition thanks to the high standard of training offered. Nowadays, the ŠKODA Vocational School is a private ŠKODA AUTO facility. Since 2013, it has been a central pillar of the ŠKODA Academy, which, in addition to providing training, also ensures the continuous professional development of skilled workers.

58 students in the inaugural class, around 24,000 graduates to date

In 1927, there were 58 students in the ŠKODA Vocational School’s first class. They received training in three subject areas. In the 2021/22 academic year, the institution has almost 900 students, over twelve per cent of whom are women. There are currently 19 technical training courses to choose from, with a focus on mechanical and electrical engineering and a special emphasis on emerging technologies. The apprenticeships for car mechanics, car electricians and IT mechatronics are in particularly high demand. In addition to in-company training, apprentices also have the opportunity to complete an internship abroad at another Group brand. To date, almost 24,000 students have successfully completed their training at the ŠKODA Vocational School. ŠKODA AUTO offers every graduate a permanent position at the company. Employees can also undertake follow-up and advanced training courses at the institution.



Major investment in the ŠKODA Academy

ŠKODA AUTO attaches great importance to the continuous education and training of its employees under optimal conditions. Since signing a memorandum in support of technical training at ŠKODA in February 2014, the company – with the support of the KOVO trade union – has invested more than 370 million Czech crowns (around €14.5 million) in the ŠKODA Academy. The funding has enabled the training facilities to be expanded, modernised and equipped with cutting-edge technology and comprehensive training programmes to be offered.


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Christian Heubner
Head of Product Communications 
T +420 730 862 420

Michaela Sklenářová
Spokesperson for Product Communications
T +420 739 549 479

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