Make Way! Robot Coming through!

Make Way! Robot Coming through!

ŠKODA’s Vrchlabí plant operates a fully autonomous transport robot that can skirt around obstacles and, if necessary, revise its route.

20. 7. 2018 Škoda World Innovation & technology Technology

The transport robot can carry loads of up to 130 kilograms at a time. Fully autonomous, it can select the right path to take on its own without any auxiliary guidance, such as magnetic floor strips.

This electrically-powered robot is also a very quick learner. Simply show it which way to go once and after that it won’t forget. It always chooses the fastest possible route to the goal.

Sensors and laser scanners enable it to detect people, other vehicles, and obstacles. It evaluates the speed at which an obstacle is approaching and can calculate whether there is a risk of collision. If there is, it takes evasive action or stops. If it encounters a particular obstacle in the same place repeatedly, it changes the route permanently.

The robot covers roughly 35 kilometres a day as it travels between the machine tools and the measuring centre in the Vrchlabí plant. And as the video under this article shows, employees can’t praise the robot enough.

Make way! Robot coming through!


