Automatic counting of vehicles
While up until recently each car that rolled off the production line was checked off by a staff member standing at the end of the assembly line, these days this routine operation is done by a camera connected to a computer. As the vehicle is leaving the line, it is automatically entered to this system, and the responsibility for it i transferred from Production to ŠKOTRANS. Each car is double checked – one camera reads the production number in the protocol that accompanies the car throughout the production process, another one checks the same number on the label located in the bottom left corner under the windscreen.
Truck height measurement
The maximum truck height varies country to country. While in the Czech Republic it is 4.2 m, in Germany, for example, it is only 4 metres. The exit point of the loading site is fitted with a special sensor that shows the driver automatically whether the height of the loaded truck is less than 4.0 m, between 4.0 m and 4.2 m, or over 4.2 m.