Svaki model je malo drugačiji. Jedinstven. Prepoznatljiv. Probajte naš kviz i proverite da li možete da prepoznate ŠKODA model po dnevnim svetlima!
10. 11. 2020 Škoda svet DizajnMožda neće biti lako da prepoznate ŠKODA modele po dnevnim svetlima, ali smo sigurni da ćete uspeti da odaberete pravi model iz zaista raznolike ponude dizajna farova.
{"ajaxUrl":"\/wp-json\/skt\/result","resultPageVariants":{"0-0.11":"Seems like you need some remedial \u201cdaytime lights\u201d study. We know it\u2019s not the easiest subject, as the characteristic lines of daytime lights can vary as much as the models themselves. If you keep your eyes peeled on the road, you\u2019ll soon be able to tell them all apart! <img class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-179475\" src=\"https:\/\/cdn.skoda-storyboard.com\/2020\/11\/scala_01.jpg\" alt=\"scala_01\" width=\"6720\" height=\"4480\" \/>","0.11-0.22":"Seems like you need some remedial \u201cdaytime lights\u201d study. We know it\u2019s not the easiest subject, as the characteristic lines of daytime lights can vary as much as the models themselves. If you keep your eyes peeled on the road, you\u2019ll soon be able to tell them all apart! <img class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-179475\" src=\"https:\/\/cdn.skoda-storyboard.com\/2020\/11\/scala_01.jpg\" alt=\"scala_01\" width=\"6720\" height=\"4480\" \/>","0.22-0.33":"Seems like you need some remedial \u201cdaytime lights\u201d study. We know it\u2019s not the easiest subject, as the characteristic lines of daytime lights can vary as much as the models themselves. If you keep your eyes peeled on the road, you\u2019ll soon be able to tell them all apart! <img class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-179475\" src=\"https:\/\/cdn.skoda-storyboard.com\/2020\/11\/scala_01.jpg\" alt=\"scala_01\" width=\"6720\" height=\"4480\" \/>","0.33-0.44":"Seems like you need some remedial \u201cdaytime lights\u201d study. We know it\u2019s not the easiest subject, as the characteristic lines of daytime lights can vary as much as the models themselves. If you keep your eyes peeled on the road, you\u2019ll soon be able to tell them all apart! <img class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-179475\" src=\"https:\/\/cdn.skoda-storyboard.com\/2020\/11\/scala_01.jpg\" alt=\"scala_01\" width=\"6720\" height=\"4480\" \/>","0.44-0.55":"Good job. You have a pretty firm grasp of the issue. Sometimes you get two models mixed up, but that can even happen to the pros: the devil is in the detail, after all. Keep practising, and next time you\u2019ll get full marks! <img class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-179474\" src=\"https:\/\/cdn.skoda-storyboard.com\/2020\/11\/octavia_020-1.jpg\" alt=\"octavia_020-1\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" \/>","0.55-0.66":"Good job. You have a pretty firm grasp of the issue. Sometimes you get two models mixed up, but that can even happen to the pros: the devil is in the detail, after all. Keep practising, and next time you\u2019ll get full marks! <img class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-179474\" src=\"https:\/\/cdn.skoda-storyboard.com\/2020\/11\/octavia_020-1.jpg\" alt=\"octavia_020-1\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" \/>","0.66-0.77":"Good job. You have a pretty firm grasp of the issue. Sometimes you get two models mixed up, but that can even happen to the pros: the devil is in the detail, after all. Keep practising, and next time you\u2019ll get full marks! <img class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-179474\" src=\"https:\/\/cdn.skoda-storyboard.com\/2020\/11\/octavia_020-1.jpg\" alt=\"octavia_020-1\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" \/>","0.77-0.88":"Excellent result. You\u2019re a real expert \u0160KODA models\u2019 headlights design. We have a sneaking suspicion you take photos of the various designs and study them in your spare time. Well done! <img class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-179750\" src=\"https:\/\/cdn.skoda-storyboard.com\/2020\/11\/superb_iv_020.jpg\" alt=\"superb_iv_020\" width=\"5000\" height=\"3333\" \/>","0.88-1.1":"Excellent result. You\u2019re a real expert \u0160KODA models\u2019 headlights design. We have a sneaking suspicion you take photos of the various designs and study them in your spare time. Well done! <img class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-179750\" src=\"https:\/\/cdn.skoda-storyboard.com\/2020\/11\/superb_iv_020.jpg\" alt=\"superb_iv_020\" width=\"5000\" height=\"3333\" \/>"},"error":{"email":"Neva\u017ee\u0107i email format.","country":"Invalid country.","check":"Sla\u017eem se uslovima i odredbama.","used":"Email je ve\u0107 u upotrebi.","general":"Do\u0161lo je do tehni\u010dkog problema."},"testId":179991,"lang":"","lock":"on","email":"","country":"","countryLabel":""}
Match the lights with the right model.
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Choose the right model:

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Choose the right model:

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Choose the right model:

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Choose the right model:

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Choose the right model:

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Choose the right model:

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Choose the right model:

tačni odgovori: 0
tačni odgovori: 0